What is Broken Pictures?


We strive to create and promote content that tells authentic, connective, human stories. So what does “Broken Pictures” mean and how does it express that? When something is said to be “broken,” what comes to mind? Typically, the first impression is that it’s unusable or beyond repair. And while that might be true sometimes, we offer a different perspective.

In the artistic medium, imperfections in a thing tend to add a certain charm that we can’t always put our finger on. Maybe we recognize a piece of ourselves? Whether it’s the crack in the Liberty Bell that “gives it character”, the warm hum of a record playing, or the brush strokes in a painting, something about it makes us feel connected and falls together in a kind of personal mosaic that makes us smile to ourselves.

In Japanese culture, an art form called “Kintsugi” instructs the artist to rebuild a broken vessel by filling its cracks with gold. What may seem counterintuitive takes something worthless and makes it priceless by embracing its flaws. Or maybe you’ve heard the well-known quote: “The cracks are where the light gets in.” Whether an item or a person, the idea that something becomes more beautiful and stronger in, around, and because of the broken places is compelling. As a studio of and for storytellers, that human connection is our spark whether it’s for one picture or twenty-four per second. That’s Broken Pictures.


What is it you do?


Simply put, Broken Pictures is a creative studio that produces graphic illustration, design, and photography leaning into the film industry so filmmakers and actors can better market their films and themselves. Its owner has been a storyteller for over 30 years. As an actor, writer, director, and producer himself, he gets it. Broken Pictures is committed to working with filmmakers to nail the “brand” and deliver a product that will connect their intended audience with their film. Working in this industry, we all understand the value and impact of a well-crafted image.  So trust a professional with yours today.

Here are just a few of the services Broken Pictures can provide:

  • Headshots - From casting calls to social media or website profiles, just about anyone in the film industry can benefit from a great headshot.

  • Movie Posters - Usually the 1st impression an audience has and the “calling card” of a film is its poster. A good one conveys the genre, message, tonality, emotion, etc. to the potential audience and teases just enough. Most importantly, a professional poster lets the audience, potential investors, and everyone else know that you’re serious about your craft.

  • Character Posters - Introduce your audience or investors to your characters with a set of posters that tease their roles. For best results, let us also come take the photos of your actors.

  • Set Photography - Have your characters met before? Taken wedding or family photos? Add production value and depth to your story by staging photos. Give the Art Dept. something to work with.

  • Production Stills/BTS - Having a professional photographer on set to capture production stills and/or behind-the-scenes can set your film’s fundraising and social media campaigns up for success by providing an abundant supply of quality images. Not to mention, your cast and crew will have great photos to remember their experiences on your set.


Who have you worked with?

I’ve had the pleasure to work with these companies over the years as either an actor, photographer, or graphic designer.

Who runs this thing?


Dylan Law grew up in one of those households that always had a TV or stereo on somewhere and turned up way “too loud”. His grandparents were former night club owners that found Jesus. His mom is an avid reader and pop music fan from the tame Midwest. And his hippy/biker dad is a one of those guys who threw a watch party for Heavy Metal’s 10th anniversary on HBO (only the 2nd time it had ever aired on TV) and naturally had MTV turned on since Day 1. At the age of 4, Dylan could name the song and band playing on the radio within the 1st few notes. He was raised on a steady diet of music, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Action, and Adventure genres, and was usually caught watching something with his dad that he was probably way too young to watch. At 9, Dylan saw his dad go to jail for drugs and his mom do her best to raise 5 kids on her own. About a year later, Dylan was arrested for vandalism. At 11, he found Jesus at a local church that was brave enough to let him start doing skits and puppets for children’s church. Being part of the weekly collaboration to create skits and characters for tiny people with even tinier attention spans turned out to be a great match. It sparked a lifelong challenge to learn how to simultaneously entertain and deliver plot points to a distracted audience in very little time using whatever medium gets the job done.

Even though he spent a lot of time at church growing up, he usually was still caught watching something not exactly age appropriate with his dad, turned up way too loud. Since then, he’s written, directed, and performed for audiences of thousands, launched and lead drama teams, performed in musicals and movies, produced and hosted podcasts, photographed tens of thousands of portraits, and graduated top of his graphic design class. Dylan is currently a single parent living in Northwest Arkansas. His son serves in the military and his 2 daughters are also gifted artists.

With over 30 years experience in storytelling, advertising experience, and over 10 years in graphic design and professional photography, Dylan knows how to help you tell your story.